Feb. 202015

Are you a swimmer?

Many people will definitely answer yes.
However the swimming skills I am talking about being rather the ones one needs to survive the information waves most of us are facing today. Avoiding drowning. drowning images

Long ago in school – developed for industrial age purposes – it was clearly defined what general knowledge is and what is demanded of people in order to deliver in working spaces of the future and make themselves a living.
But today?
We get bombarded with information claiming to be essential for our survival. It’s harder to identify what we need to know. And it might be different for any of us.

Governments can no longer define the indispensable readings in academic school plans.

Heck, more than 30 years ago Robert Anton Wilson already came up with a metaphor in his lecture “The Acceleration of Knowledge” to describe the increasingly rapid doubling of human knowledge.
He defined the measurement of known scientific facts in the year 1 A.D. as „one Jesus,“ using the incident of Jesus birth as starting point. He figured that it took the estimated age of the homo sapiens to reach the knowledge of “one Jesus” – therefore 40,000 to 100,000 years.

He went on to calculate that it required 1500 years – until 1500 A.D until “2 Jesus” and then for doubling again to “4 Jesus” it required 250 years by 1750. Another doubling (“8 Jesus”) needed 150 years until the year 1900 A.D. He further calculated „16 Jesus“ by 1950 (50 years for doubling) and 32 Jesus by 1960. Following his assumptions further doublings occurred by 1967 (“64 Jesus” in 7 years) and 128 Jesus by 1973. For 1982 Wilson figured „512 Jesus“.

Today we have 2015 now and you can estimate the math yourself, what that might mean in “Jesus”.
While we do not know the accurateness of Wilson’s assumptions we surely can take the trend shown for granted.

E.O. Wilson is quoted “we are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom. The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers, people able to put together the right information at the right time, think critically about it, and make important choices wisely.”

After all, currently we have arrived in information age as Peter Drucker put it.
Or Daniel Pink even called current times out to be the design age.
According to him, society no longer needs conformity which enabled the factory worker to function very well in clearly defined industrial working systems. Pink states further “the future belongs to a very different kind of person with a very different kind of mind. The era of “left brain” dominance, and the Information Age that it engendered, are giving way to a new world in which “right brain” qualities-inventiveness, empathy, meaning-predominate.”

So what can we do with these insights?

And how do we stay a skillfull “information swimmers” for the essential?
First, it is important to know that here is no predefined skill set anymore. Unique expression of talents is needed.

So investigation of the own core skills and talents is step 1.

This can be done by taking one of the many available skill profile tests. One of these definitely is the free Genius test by Roger Hamilton.That was already a big „Heureka Moment“ for me, as you can read in another post on this site.

To dig deeper, it would be helpful to take the Wealth Profile test. After taking this test you pretty much know a lot about what you should do and what not.

Sure, this test costs some money, but what is that investment compared to years of hitting dead ends caused by lack of the awareness of the own unique skill set.
After these tests anyone knows pretty well the possible pathway to natural success and should focus on magnetizing the necessary skills and information for these.

floodgatestamp.phpOther information should be floodgated out pretty much until the expert status is reached.

Then step 2 is to manage your knowledge.

For sure mindmapping, clustering or Kawa’s are very good techniques to systematize and store knowledge effectively. Skipping unnecessary words.

And to keep your “inner archives” open for easy access to your knowledge.
You can find out more about these note taking skills by listening to our free webinar which you can find on the right sidebar.

I will also write further articles about those.
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