Dez. 072014
So much more than drawing. Tributes to Betty Edwards.

So if you sign up for our newsletter, you will get the free book „Anyone can draw“ of Vera F. Birkenbihl, which was inspired by the famous book of “Drawing on the right side of the brain” by Betty Edwards. Wait a minute…. anyone? I personally was really bad in art at school and lacked […]

Dez. 062014
Habits - blessing or curse?

We all know it. In some situations we wonder why we actually did what we did. For example, we already moved to a new place, but still find ourselves driving the old way home from work… to our old place. Passing by our conscious thinking, our behavioral patterns take over. Habits must therefore be something […]

Dez. 042014
Acres of "talents"

  Do you know the famous speech „Acres of diamonds“ by Russel Conwell? The central idea of the story is, that no one needs to look elsewhere for opportunities or chances—the resources and solutions to achieve the desired outcomes are present in one’s own environment. The story uses a fable about a man who longed […]