Feb. 202015
How to survive the information age and stay focused

Are you a swimmer? Many people will definitely answer yes. However the swimming skills I am talking about being rather the ones one needs to survive the information waves most of us are facing today. Avoiding drowning. Long ago in school – developed for industrial age purposes – it was clearly defined what general knowledge […]

Jan. 232015
Working harder - really the solution for more success?

A new year has started. Many of us have made our New Year resolutions. And we are really willing to follow through and start with a lot of energy. From experience we know we cannot keep up that effort for long. Not because we are weak or not disciplined, but often enough because our mental […]

Dez. 042014
Acres of "talents"

  Do you know the famous speech „Acres of diamonds“ by Russel Conwell? The central idea of the story is, that no one needs to look elsewhere for opportunities or chances—the resources and solutions to achieve the desired outcomes are present in one’s own environment. The story uses a fable about a man who longed […]