Dez. 072014

drawSo if you sign up for our newsletter, you will get the free book „Anyone can draw“ of Vera F. Birkenbihl, which was inspired by the famous book of “Drawing on the right side of the brain” by Betty Edwards.

Wait a minute…. anyone?

I personally was really bad in art at school and lacked the patience, which was necessary to observe. So when I first came across that title I was convinced, anyone maybe, but not me!
And then – why do I want to learn drawing? Of course it is a neat skill to possess and cannot hurt to be capable. But, this applies to so many skills of this world, which also take time to learn or even master. And some of these other skills seem to be more important in life and in working spaces than the ability to draw. So I thought.

Right? Wrong….
When my friend Vera F. Birkenbihl personally insisted I should read this (short) e- book I finally did. And wow, was that impressive.

It is not only about drawing. It shows you with simple and fast techniques, how you can activate your right brain while drawing. It is about finding your inner artist. In this short books story the name is Lamron. And this comes with a nice side effect. My impatience disappears, which kept me away from artwork before. Because my left analytic brain kept pulling my attention elsewhere and wanted quick results. But once you activated your right brain half you feel like you sink into something. Time disappears, it seems…

More process orientated, not so much about results. And a peaceful mind.

So this book of Betty Edwards (which you can purchase on the right sidebar and here (kindle) or here (hardcover) and the corresponding short free ebook of Vera F. Birkenbihl are so much more than learning to draw.

It’s about activating both brain halves, where we all were trained away from the right side during school and studies. Because as child, I was creative I have been told. I lost it somewhere in between, making my left brain the boss in the head.

I think today I can say I won my creativity back and can now use either brain half, depending on what skill sets is demanded at this moment. And the moments you are in your right brain half give you serenity. Like music can do, too. Or dancing.

Maybe it’s time for you to give it a try?

The short free ebook  gives you enough practice and insights and it is a 15 minute read only. But changes ones view so much.

If you  want to dig deeper afterwards, click on these  links here (kindle) or here (hardcover) for Betty Edwards book.

Let me know what you think.

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