März 102015

easyarrival11076162_376184619172958_2954480991594972259_nThis small app makes travelling easier.
This app helps to have at the airport all the information about the filling of Arrival Cards handy. Do you know that? Loaded with luggage and tired you must complete and submit Arrivalcard static data, which you have already written a hundred times.

And yet you must return to searching your passport and for its number or date of issue.
This app keeps all necessary data for the next and even more trips handy for you and all family members after once entered at home.
For families or groups, this is particularly helpful, since it stores the data once and then the printout or cell phone has the data always handy.

No more juggling necessary with multiple passports of all your family members.
The app or the printout then shows a typical Arrivalcard for all registered persons who may be copied without further reflection for all people.

Once filled in, always ready to hand.

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Download this helpful free app here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.envol.easyarrival

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